Sunday, January 31, 2010
Don't even ask about yesterday...
The 2nd rule of Blow Club is nobody talks about Blow Club.
Jaysus has two fathers. Imagine how immasculating the was for Joe.
OK, here's the deal. I'll stop patting your head and you have to stop thumping me in the nads.
I can't believe he fell for the old, "Got Your Nose" bit, even at his age. Some people just have to believe in shit I suppose.
Joanne posted a photo on my wall of me with my new Iphone and when I clicked on the photo it took me to a site with a gay porn banner. I think I need to look over her shoulder while she on the net. I know the winters are cold up there, but damn girl!
You know, this thing is getting larger. Maybe I should see a cardiologist or a dermatologist.
OK, here is my way back photo of the day I was born and Wolverene brought mea a DVD as a present. Who need frankincence and myrrh?
To honor Eduard Haas III inventor ot the PEZ dispenser, whom Dad called home last week; here is this weeks Tattoo Tuesday.
If any of you wonder why you don't hear from me from sundown on Friday to Sundown on Saturday, it's a sabbath thing and I shouldn't be hearing from you either. Sinners!
Here's the head shot I used when I applied for the job of being the creepy Burger King Guy.
I didn't get hired because they found this photo of me on the Internet.
It wouldn't have been so bad if this guy at least shaved before his Tattoo Tuesday photo. Gumby shouldn't have body hair.
If I hadn't eaten like a pig over the last two weeks I'd still be able to walk on this stuff.
Doesn't it strike you as weird that we were all Jews back in the old days, but none of us ever wore a yarmulke?
It is Tattoo Tuesday. I woke up with this afted Dad and I went on a bender last week.
Very funny Sister Agnes. I made some toast this morning with the toaster you got me for my birthday.
I mean, thanks, but Dude, that is one of the stupidest things I've ever seen. Get a life, will ya?
eah, so I was in a hurry and I walked across this pond and now it is a shrine. People? Knock it off!
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